Frequently asked questions

  • HeritageHQ serves families by creating custom, white glove, private, secure family websites. Our platform allows families to preserve, celebrate, and share their legacies, offering a centralized space to document their histories and maintain a living archive accessible to generations present and future.

  • HeritageHQ offers several key features designed to support families in preserving and sharing their legacies:

    • Custom Family Websites: Tailored websites that reflect each family's unique story and heritage.

    • Interactive Family Trees: Dynamic tools that allow families to visually map and update their lineage with ease.

    • Secure Document Storage: A safe repository for storing precious digital heirlooms like photos, videos, and important documents.

    • Privacy Controls: Robust privacy settings ensure that sensitive family information remains protected.

    • Collaborative Spaces: Features that allow family members to contribute stories, updates, and media, fostering a shared family narrative.

    • Accessibility: Easy access from anywhere, ensuring that all family members, near and far, can connect with their heritage.

  • Heritage HQ is divided into three main sections: Past - Roots and Branches, Present - Family HQ, and Future - Legacy Bridge.

  • The creator of Heritage HQ was inspired by his own family's history and the desire to preserve their stories for future generations. The platform aims to help users document and share their family's heritage.

  • Heritage HQ has lots of tools to help you organize your family information. Through Family Trees, Member Bios, Timelines, and Ancestry file organization, you'll have everything you need to preserve your family's cherished stories and history. You will also be assigned a Heritage Helper to help you customize your family site.

  • The platform allows users to store and organize photos, documents, and other media related to their family history. It provides a centralized location for all family memories.

  • Yes, Heritage HQ provides Chatroom feature, which allow multiple family members to connect with each other & to contribute to the family website and participate in building the family tree and archive.

  • Yes, Heritage HQ is designed to accommodate families of all sizes, whether it's a small nuclear family or a large extended family with multiple generations.

  • Heritage HQ takes the security and privacy of family data seriously. We utilize industry-standard encryption technologies to protect all user data and implement stringent measures to safeguard against unauthorized access and data breaches. Additionally, we adhere to strict privacy policies to ensure that users have full control over their data and can manage their sharing preferences accordingly.

  • Watch this how-to document to get detailed instructions and tips: Using Dropbox

  • HeritageHQ supports all common image file types:


    PNG and MP4

  • It's instant! Once you send us your photos, we'll upload them within the day so you can see them right away!

  • Nope, your HeritageHQ account is a private collection that no one else can see – that is, unless you choose to share it with them.

    Think of it like your phone's camera roll – but on steroids. Your HeritageHQ account has all your photos from all platforms you have allowed us to upload from Dropbox, all conveniently organized, and protected in one private place.

  • Of course! You own your stuff. Even better, you can export your photos that were added in your HeritageHQ account by you or by us.

  • Don't worry, your pictures and data are safe.

    When you replace your device and log in using your existing account info to access your photos.

    If your phone is stolen, we'd suggest changing your account password right away. If you'd like us to reset it as you sort out getting your phone replaced, just shoot us an email at or contact us via this form.

  • You can check out all out plans here

  • Absolutely! We are always looking for feedback from users and for ways to enhance our product. Please send us an email at with any feedback, questions and suggestions you have.

  • Yes, HeritageHQ can still help you. How about Excel? PDF? If you even don't know about these tools you can send us pictures & manually tell us, we'll organize all information for you.

  • Sure, why not, you can always refer to our example in order to see the visual outputs you'll recieve... For Example Heritage Website, refer to www. & for TNG Example site refers to www.