“Thanks to HeritageHQ I was able to give my mother a chance to share her story to my own kids.”

Keith Finley

“As a genealogy enthusiast, I LOVED integrating the work I did on research sites into my own family site! ”

Monet Goode

“I reconnected with my Asian family and in the process of working through the site I improved my relationships with long lost family members. Now we have a Wong family site that will live on to enjoy by my children’s children.”

Channing Lee

Who Benefits?

Genealogy Enthusiasts:

Those deeply interested in tracing their family lineage and understanding their ancestral roots would find immense value in services that help document and share family stories.

Family Historians:

People tasked with preserving family stories, photographs, and heirlooms for future generations would greatly benefit from this service.

Expatriate and Diaspora Communities: Those living away from their country of origin, looking to maintain a connection with their cultural roots and share it with their families, would find these services particularly meaningful.

Families with Ancestors Who Experienced Significant Historical Events:

Descendants of individuals who lived through significant historical moments, migrations, or cultural shifts would benefit from a platform that helps to document these pivotal experiences.

Preserving History for Future Generations:

Services enable estranged families to document their heritage, ensuring access for future generations despite current dynamics.

Adoptees and Individuals with Unknown Ancestry:

People seeking to learn more about their biological roots and connect with biological relatives would find this service a crucial tool in their journey.

Elderly Family Members:

Older individuals looking to pass down their life experiences, wisdom, and family history to younger generations would benefit from a platform that makes sharing and recording these stories easy and accessible.

Cultural Preservationists:

Individuals or groups dedicated to preserving the languages, traditions, and stories of minority, indigenous, or endangered cultures could use these services to document and share their heritage.

Expatriate and Diaspora Communities: Those living away from their country of origin, looking to maintain a connection with their cultural roots and share it with their families, would find these services particularly meaningful.

Rebuilding Connections:

Sharing family stories on neutral platforms can initiate communication and potentially mend estranged relationships.

Creating a Legacy: Estranged families can use these platforms to craft a new legacy that acknowledges the past while focusing on resilience and renewal.

Educators and Students:

Teachers and students involved in projects related to family history or social studies could leverage this service for educational purposes.

Parents and Guardians:

Parents keen on preserving family memories for their children, ensuring that the legacy and heritage of their family are passed down, would appreciate these services.

Writers and Storytellers:

Authors, biographers, and documentary makers looking for real-life stories, inspirations, or historical accounts would benefit from the rich repository of personal and family histories available through these services.

Families with Military Backgrounds:

Families with members who have served in the military often have unique stories of courage, sacrifice, and resilience that they wish to preserve and share with future generations.

Understanding Roots:

Estranged individuals may explore their family history to gain insights into their identity and the origins of familial discord.

Healing and Reflection:

Reflecting on family stories can offer therapeutic benefits, aiding in the processing of past traumas and fostering a path to healing.

Professional Genealogists:

Experts who offer genealogy research services would benefit from the organizational and technological support provided by this platform.

My Story:

Grateful, Heartbroken and Motivated

While walking the streets of London, Paris, and Rome in the summer of 2023 with my family, I began thinking of my roots. I had a vague recollection of the stories - my maternal grandfather as an Italian immigrant and served as Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army and fought in WWII and Korea, my paternal grandpa had run-ins with Jimmy Hoffa and built a legacy construction business that is now 3 generations on…but I wanted to find out more.

Additionally, my wife and I were blessed with 2 great teenaged boys - then came along Scarlett in 2021. My mother passed away in 2014 and it broke my heart that Mom would not get to spend time with - us and Scarlett would never meet Lillie at all. I determined to make a family website - for my mother and her generation, for me and my wife and our generation of cousins, and for the third generation and beyond who will one day want to to know the stories of their ancestors.

American society obsesses over the individual. The Marlboro Man. The YouTube phenom. Many of us don’t know where our family tree started or where it leads. Many of us have remarkable ancestors, or characters, or those who struggled, and those who thrived. We want to know the stories of our forefathers and foremothers - what was it like to live in those times?

Immigration, faith, perseverance, blood, sweat, tears, displacement, wars, famine, enormous infant mortality, poverty, excess, struggle, even slavery, the good and bad of humanity - so many factors shaped who and where we are today.

I’m so GRATEFUL to have a loving wife and amazing kids. I’m so GRATEFUL to have loving family who still remember Lillie and all the wonderful things she was and all the people she blessed. I’m so GRATEFUL to help you and your family organize your memories and links to the past.

I’m so HEARTBROKEN for the opportunities missed to record the stories of those that came before me. I’m HEARTBROKEN that Lillie will never meet Scarlett. I’m HEARTBROKEN that there are estranged family relationships that just might benefit in peering back into their history and realize that they have so much in common than they think. I’m HEARTBROKEN that YOU may also have your own regrets of not capturing the moments and documenting them while you had the chance.

Now I’m MOTIVATED. I’m MOTIVATED to not let the stories slip through the sands of time. I’m MOTIVATED to record the stories from my aunts and uncles and cousins and those who knew Lillie intimately to share with my family and Scarlett. I’m MOTIVATED to learn more about my ancestors and my past through the amazing tools we have at our disposal - and keep all my research in one place - One Source of Family Truth. I’m MOTIVATED to help you and your family retain the essence of those who came before you, those with us now, and those who will come in the future.

Don’t let the years go by without grasping the moment. Join me and mesh your family history with HeritageHQ. I’d be honored if you trusted me with that very valuable treasure.

Patrick E Brady
Founder and Client of Roots and Branches